Seven Years Later, at The Raintree
We had been planning this for quite a while. But like every other plan, this simple luncheon was taking its own sweet time to materialize because of our own individual commitments on weekends. The choice of venue took the longest time since we both lived at opposite ends of the city. So finding a middle ground on a restaurant that appeals to our palate, price and transport was tricky and terribly time consuming. Finally, we decided to meet at the Raintree - The Kitchen for a lunch buffet. Reviews seemed good and the spread was great.
For appetizers and starters, we were served a lovely warm soup followed by vegetable grills and non-vegetarian menu for my friend. We had a variety of chaat items and salads as well. One of my favorites was a delicately done stuffed brinjal in tomato sauce, which was fantastic.
We were already feeling full and the thought of missing a beautiful and colorful dessert menu felt unforgivable. She loved her seafood main course while the vegetarian course seemed just alright - there was no Wow factor. After a good meal, we walked over to the dessert counter to see the choices for ourselves. A decision was made to give our gluttony a break over a good conversation and other plans.
Overall lunch was good and priced on the higher side which is expected. The interiors are bathed in white with a natural light and glass door panel flooding through. So when you step into the Kitchen, it feels gorgeous.
Nevertheless, I thought they could pay much better attention to the furniture and cutlery. Service was great and the dessert menu earned a few brownie points.
Over a warm hug, fully belly, good memories and a promise to meet again, we drove away into the sunny afternoon.
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